Friday, August 5, 2011

Week 3 3D Design

This week in class as part of creative thinking techniques we got into a group and based on the concept of REDUCE as from "Laws of Simplicity" we had to brainstorm one design concept for an eco-friendly form of personal transportation. Also include a catchy name (which we have not come up with yet).

First up we were thinking of the following ideas to modify or make green:

  • roller-skates
  • kangaROO shoes
  • bicycle
  • skateboards
  • car
  • segway
Finally we decided on a Segway with solar panels to keep the electronics it has charged constantly. For those of you, including myself who dont know what a Segway is, here is a commercial on YouTube i found to be boring but provides detailed information you need to know.

Here is a quick sketch that i drafted up in class with a gist of the idea of what we were thinking.

After researching about the Segway i realised having a panel on top of it was impractical so my designs are based on having the solar panel else where. Here are my three drafts.

The design of the Segway has already accommodated anything I would think to include on it ie, storage, off-road. So my designes only differ in the placement of the solar panel to get the electronics charged.

All 3 designs have the function to charge the unit by storing sunlight and converting it into energy through the use of solar panels.

The style would be modern and compact.

each of the different design will target a different audience through the use of colour. One design would target a younger audience because it seems at the moment it is targeted to out-doors people and business people. I think colours and style needs to appeal to young adults ie uni students. The two other designs will target trades people (for on site jobs, instead of going back and forth to the van they could save time using this to get to the van) and teacher.

1 comment:

  1. yup - she's onto it. Cute drawings and bubbling ideas. Your work is fun and approachable with a gutsy undercurrent - well done.
