Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 5 3D Design

3D Group Exercise

I had to present my 3D concept to the class. My concept is to build a model of a traditional Timor house. It will need to have 4 stumps not sure what to make that out of. Thinking of using the polystyrene for the body of the house then cover it glue … (ill have to find a glue that doesn’t eat into it)… then cover it with sticks or straw.
Roof will be hard to make because it is shaped like triangular prism but no point on the top. Size un-decided. However, will probably going to have the base 15 cm wide and height 20cm.
The group noted that I will need to use sharp knife to cut polystyrene so it doesn’t flake.

Maha then presented her lamp idea she will be incorporating her 2D design pattern with her 3D idea of making the lamp. Her main features would include,
4 sides most likely square
Ability to change individual sizes to suit the mood
Having some stencilled to allow light to come out of the side
Have either small one for coffee table or have free standing one on

As a group we discussed several challenges such as, how she would allow the sides to be interchangeable, what materials she would use to ensure the heat from the lamp wouldn’t affect it. 


Choose your most recent 3D concept, make two assumptions and challenge each of these then find a solution.

3D model of traditional Timor house:

Assumption 1: Made from organic materials
Assumption 2: Size 

Challenge organic materials: 

I could use straw or swigs for the roof but I wonder if the weight would be too much and cave in.
Then again I need to consider what I can use for the frame work of the roof that will tolerate the weight of the sticks.
Could I use wood has the main structure and would that cost more or cost me more time in labour.
Does it have to be a free standing object?
Could I have a post or a photo with background image and have a separate cut out of the house hand from the front it appears flat and fits into overall image but then you see from the side there would be depth to the house?
Would this pop out use organic materials still or just be images of the materials?

Challenge size: 

Time doesn’t allow full scale model.
House cannot be too small that it looses its authenticity or the details of materials.
If free standing model needs to be noticeable. Does it require too many materials?
If on the poster or photo how much area does it cover?


Free standing object could use organic objects if it uses strong materials for structure i.e. polystyrene for body of house.
Poster pop out would be to fragile for organic straw or sticks. Could take close up shots of straw, sticks, concrete ect and cut shapes out to build front and sides of the house. 
Thinking 3D model will at least need to stand 30cm to be affective. A2 or A1 size would draw attention well for the posters.

Here are some sketches of my idea of the model

I started researching different ways in which people can build model houses and I found this video of a man creating a large model house with 3 levels using thin cardboard for the structure of the house. It gave me some ideas how to play with thin cardboard and build a strong structure for the traditional house. 


"That's all I have to say about that. " Forest Gump...

1 comment:

  1. Love that video - watch the man go! Not sure how you are going to build this thing yet, but good to see you trying some different ideas in your head. Prototype time soon!

    Good blog again Sunita. Great work.
