Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 3 2D Design

This week for group activity using creative thinking techniques we had to generate design ideas using random word combos the criteria with the following criteria:
  • Break the two words into individuals and list what those words represent to you
  • Collaborate the two words into ideas that could be designed 
  • Each person in the group creates TWO 2D design options - based on the chosen word combo 
The word combo our group came up with was MONEY & SPACESHIP. Here is my break down:

  • Plastic
  • Paper
  • Pictures of influential people on bill
  • Coins
  • Text
  • Different values
  • Used to buy and sell
  • Coins are “usually metal or a metallic material and sometimes made of synthetic materials,” (reference:
Spaceship -
  • Alien - UFO
  • Flashing lights
  • Futuristic - technology
  • Aircraft - hover
  • Stars – galaxies
  • Form of Transportation
  • Fictional ?? maybe…
  • Make a spaceship out of metal from same as in coins
  • Flashing lights on money??
  • Make money hover in flight
  • Use technology in money ie, microchips, flashing lights
  • Make a spaceship out of plastic notes to make lighter
  • Image of spaceship on coin– tokens for museum of astronomy (reference:
  • Money in the shape of spaceships instead of round coin or rectangle notes
  • Money box shape ship
  • Ship size of coin
  • Alien money that would be found on a spaceship
The two ideas I choose to demonstrate was
- Image of spaceship on coin
- Alien money that would be found on a spaceship

Here is a sketch of my idea of the coin;

I got the idea of the shape of the spaceship from this image

This is the Illustrator version;

Here is the sketch of my idea of what alien money would look like;

Also this week we had to come up with 3 design concepts for our exhibitions. From these 3 ideas invent 2 versions of each.

These were my 3 ideas with their two variations:
  • Timor Tourism
- Make up a poster using Cristo Rei main background, Timor Air logo on bottom, images of scuba diving and picture of locals

- Create fake magazine or broacher containing information about Timor and images of site seeing
  • Handbag designs
- Draw up several types of handbags with different textures

- create a logo for a handbag design company
  • Book cover design
- Create different drawings of covers for fantasy books

- Create book cover for children's books

These 3 ideas differ in the following colour, audience and style.

The colours used in the Timor Tourism would be earthy colours ie, Blue (ocean and sky) shades of green (landscape) and browns (people, villages). The audience I would be targeting would be families and older couples because Timor is not really a party/ clubbing place (compared to bali) but there is alot of sight seeing and actives that would are family orientated. Taking into account of the audience and colour used the style would give a feeling of calm and peaceful.

The handbags I would design and target would be for people who are collectors of old style handbags so i would use deep royal colours ie, velvet red, gold and navy blue. Because my audience would be collectors the style of my designs would be like antique and old fashion style.

When creating book cover for children's books you would use bright colours and mostly primary and secondary colours. Whereas fantasy books would use deep mystical colours like  purple, blues, greens, gold all on the darker side of the colour scale. Audience would be young adults and book worms. The style of either cover would be exciting and inviting.

"That's all I have to say about that. " Forest Gump...

1 comment:

  1. Very good blog again. You have addressed everything and more.

    If you could just put headings on the topics e.g. GROUP EXERCISE or PRACTICAL that would make navigating your excellent work even more of a joy.
