Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 12 2D Design

GROUP EXERCISE – Presenting Your Portfolio

PART 1 – 20 mins
Each student presents their exhibition portfolio to the class

PART 2 - 10 mins Blog
Each student post feedback on all other students in your blog
Minimum of 50 words blogging on each student

Billie - I think Billie's idea about making the tree out of metal is a good idea but I can see how it is going to cause the smaller details to become hard to do. For example if it made out of metal how is she going to give that 100mm gap between the tree and the wall like she wants. I think her scrapping the frames idea is good and she and I talked about her making photos shaped like apples but like xmas decorations where when it spins on the tree you will see same picture on 4 different sides.

Josie - I think her design coming along well. It amazing how just to execute her logo has taken her so much research and trial and error. I really admire Josie for sticking it out and eventually finding a solution because I think if were my idea i would have scrapped it and modified my idea to be executed in a different way.

Rachel - Her 2D idea is really strong and she could do almost anything with it. It seems that because she can experiment with a lot of items but is running out of time i think it is overwhelming her.

Warwick - The logo I feel has taken a step backwards. Few weeks ago Warwick had such momentum with his concept but now I feel his losing some of the good ideas he had at the start. I guess by it going backwards in its progression might help him re-find the fundamentals he was working really well on in the beginning.

PRACTICAL – Design Realisation
30 mins – Develop 2D Exhibition Designs / 10 mins Blog

My 2D designs have been print! YEY. 
These images will be mounted on box frames that have 4 different depths, 100mm, 75mm, 50mm and 25mm. To find out how to attach the prints to the box frame I found this video that will help me apply my prints to the flat surface of the box.

Reference: (

From this video I now know what supplies I need to obtain to get a good result for my prints. Instead of a roller I may try look for a different way to spread the glue.

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