Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 7 2D Design

Practical – Design Communication

DESIGN a headline & tagline draft for the student exhibition.

Make a list of 2 key concepts you are trying to communicate

Make a list of 2 key feelings your trying to communicate

REFINE your headline to communicate these 4 things
Prepare to present your communication skills to the class.
Upload all this content to your blog

In this week’s class we have to refine one of our headline and tagline to communicate 2 key concepts and 2 key feelings. I have decided my two concepts will be;

  • Design to appear clean cut.
  • Represent the Territory’s outback

Two feelings I want to converse are;
  • Inspiring
  • Curiosity 
To demonstrate my concepts I changed the colour of the first design from being black and red to an earthy red and amber colour. I also changed the way I created the the shape for the 2 and made it bigger to put more emphasis on it.

GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Investigation

Using a scale of 1 – 10,
each group assigns a quantitative rating for all the designs,
based on the three criteria below
1. Clear rendition of 2 key concepts
2. Clear rendition of 2 key feelings
3. Immediate visual appeal
Each student post the group results in your blog


1. Clear rendition of 2 key concepts - 6
2. Clear rendition of 2 key feelings - 6
3. Immediate visual appeal - 7

1. Clear rendition of 2 key concepts - 4
2. Clear rendition of 2 key feelings - 5
3. Immediate visual appeal - 6

1. Clear rendition of 2 key concepts - 6
2. Clear rendition of 2 key feelings - 4
3. Immediate visual appeal - 5

1 comment:

  1. "Inspiration" is a feeling (noun)
    "Inspiring" is an adjective.

    Good refinement and a very pleasing and original result with your headline design.

    Please post the class scores to complete this.
    Well done.
