Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 7 3D Design

Practical – Design Communication

Choose one design from last week’s 2 sketched designs (sports & fashion)

Make a list of 2 key concepts you are trying to communicate

Make a list of 2 key feelings your trying to communicate

REFINE your design concept to communicate these 4 things
Prepare to present your communication skills to the class.
Upload all this content to your blog

In this week’s class we have to refine one of our sketched designs from last week to communicate 2 key concepts and 2 key feelings. I have decided my two concepts will be
  • Airflow
  • Abstract
Two feelings I want to converse are;
  • Excitement
  • Togetherness

To refine my previous design to accommodate the concepts I wanted to portray, I removed the walls of the house and extended the floor space for the soccer floor. In a hot environment this would be an interesting way to enjoy sport our of the sun but still getting the outside surroundings and fresh air. I probably  need to incorporate some sort of netting to ensure the ball wouldn't be constantly kicked out of the area.

Sometimes I find that when I try to refine my ideas I get stuck and hit a lot of brick walls. I catch myself looking at others designs and thinking how far did their original idea come for it to be this refined concept. Also when I look at others designs my mind flows with ways to refine it or modify it but with my own ideas there just seems to be no spark to manipulating my original thought. Here is a video I found that explained to me why these things happen. Also the animation is fantastic kept my attention and thoroughly impressed me.

GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Investigation

Using a scale of 1 – 10,
each group assigns a quantitative rating for all the designs,
based on the three criteria below
1. Clear rendition of 2 key concepts
2. Clear rendition of 2 key feelings
3. Immediate visual appeal
Each student post the group results in your blog


1. Clear rendition of 2 key concepts - 7
2. Clear rendition of 2 key feelings - 7
3. Immediate visual appeal - 5

1. Clear rendition of 2 key concepts - 9
2. Clear rendition of 2 key feelings - 8
3. Immediate visual appeal - 7

1. Clear rendition of 2 key concepts - 7
2. Clear rendition of 2 key feelings - 6
3. Immediate visual appeal - 5

1 comment:

  1. Great video - did you share this with other students? The graphic idea while he was talking is just like Hungry Beast, but done by hand. I like it. I guess what he's saying is that it's not better or worse with the internet and all it's distractions - but it's sure different.

    We still need the scores posted to complete this week's blog for you.

    The Timor House is performing well for you in addressing the blog criteria.
    Good work.
