Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 9 3D Design

GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Realisation

1. Present and discuss your 3D exhibition piece(s) with the class (5 mins each)
2. How many of you are collaborating with other schools?

No one in the group is collaborating with other schools.

PRACTICAL – Design Realisation
30 mins

1. Work on your own for the exhibition

2. Make a list of your proposed exhibition works

I would like to make two more prototypes
Prototype1: Full model Timor house
Prototype2: Half model attached to poster

3. Itemise:

-         Please note these findings are based on a prototype if needed the final product may have different results

• Dimensions:
Prototype1: Width-20cm, height – 30cm, depth – 20cm
Prototype2: Background A3, height – 30cm, width – 15cm, depth – 5cm.
• Display requirements (hanging / floor space / special FX / audio / video)
Prototype1: Table
Prototype2: Hanging on wall

• A short description of the concept
Prototype1: Full model Timor house
Prototype2: Model that half of the house that comes off the wall

• The name of the piece
Not sure yet

• Materials used
Bolsa wood
PVA glue
Stanley knife

4. Save this as a Word doc and copy to the SHARE folder for the PRINT group
5. Blog all the above

Reference: ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feGhx8Xdjss&feature=related)

I am still unsure how I want to  build the roof of my Timor House. This video provided some ideas of what i can do with pop sticks to give the angles i need to make. The camera work in the video is a little wobbly. Wasn't good trying to watch when I was hung over.... motion sickness hahah

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