Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 9 2D Design

GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Realisation

Sketch in your Visual Diary or Illustrator

1. Clear rendition of 3 invitation / flyer layouts using the logo & text supplied
2. The design must have space for sponsor logos
3. CDU logo must be on the bottom right – check branding rules

BLOG - 15 mins
Each student post the group results in your blog with images and descriptive text

The first thought I wanted to do with my versions of invites I wanted to use the same brush stroke and the red used in the headline to create an image of the “Hotlands” to compliment our headline. I wanted most of the background white so all information was legible.

PRACTICAL – Design Realisation

30 mins – Illustrator / 10 mins Presentations / 10 mins Blog

1. Layout your version of all 3 designs decided on in the group exercise
2. Show your results to the class
3. Blog screenshots of your work

Here are my first 3 originals layouts.

 After the class all shared their different designs if was agreed that Rachel’s idea to use paint splotches and Billie’s idea of using a brush stroke frame to tie the front and back of the invitation together would be good if merged. After talking with Mark it was decided not to incorporate the two designs because it made the frame too heavy so instead i worked on the levels of splotches and reducing the frame. Here are my versions.


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