Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 8 3D Design

GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Realisation

Materials – Paddle pop-sticks, twigs
Tools – Stanley knife,
Equipment - Balsa wood

PRACTICAL – Concept Realisation

Work on your 3D Exhibition piece(s)

So far as one of my prototypes I used a paper drawing that I did to make the image come off the background. I drew the front first and then measured how wide I would want the house. Then i added extra space to make folds and glue it to the background image and to the front image of the house.  

To see  how to use balsa wood and different ways to use it I found this video. This video was insightful because the guy talks about how to give it texture and that you can just use a craft knife to get the shapes you need in the balsa wood. Also he suggest type of glue that will be best to use.

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